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I Became the Younger Sister of a Regretful Obsessive Male Lead

I Became the Younger Sister of a Regretful Obsessive Male Lead

후회광공의 여동생이 되었다 / I Became the Younger Sister of a Regretful Obsessive Seme / I Became the Younger Sister of a Regretful Obsessive Seme Male Lead / Reforming the Obsessive Male Lead
purple lemon / 데빈 / Debin
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Reincarnation,Romance,Villainess
Reforming the Obsessive Male Lead [Official]

Reforming the Obsessive Male Lead [Official]

Eu me Tornei a Irmã Mais Nova de um Protagonista Obsessivo Arrependido / I Became the Younger Sister of a Regretful Obsessive Male Lead / Головний герой у відчаї, а я стала його молодшою сестрою / ヤンデレ公子の妹になりました / 成为BL主人公的妹妹 / 후회 광공의 여동생이 되었다
HI / Purple Lemon / Debin
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Full Color,Isekai,Romance
Chapter 104
Chibi Devil!

Chibi Devil!

Chibi Devi! / Chibi Debi!
shinozuka hiromu
Chapter 7
Datenshi Gakuen Debipara

Datenshi Gakuen Debipara

Datenshi Gakuen Devil Paradise / Datenshi Gakuen DeviPara
kawata yushi / yukito
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 10
Chibi Devi!

Chibi Devi!

ちび☆デビ! / Chibi Debi! / Chibi Devil! (SHINOZUKA Hiromu) / Kleine Duivel (Dutch) / Little Devil (English) / Baby Devil!
shinozuka hiromu
Chapter 7
Chibi Devil!

Chibi Devil!

ちび☆デビ! / 魔法小惡魔 / Chibi Debi! / Chibi Devil! (SHINOZUKA Hiromu)
shinozuka hiromu
Chapter 7
Chibi Devi!

Chibi Devi!

ちび☆デビ! / Chibi Debi! / Chibi Devil! (SHINOZUKA Hiromu) / Kleine Duivel (Dutch) / Little Devil (English) / Baby Devil!
shinozuka hiromu
Volume 2 Chapter 7
Datenshi Gakuen Debipara

Datenshi Gakuen Debipara

堕天使学園デビパラ / 堕天使学院 / Datenshi Gakuen Devil Paradise / Datenshi Gakuen DeviPara
kawata yushi / yukito
Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 10
Chibi Devi!

Chibi Devi!

ちび☆デビ! / Chibi Debi! / Chibi Devil! (SHINOZUKA Hiromu) / 魔法小惡魔
shinozuka hiromu
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Volume 2 Chapter 7
Datenshi Gakuen Debipara

Datenshi Gakuen Debipara

堕天使学園デビパラ / 堕天使学院 / Datenshi Gakuen Devil Paradise / Datenshi Gakuen DeviPara
kawata yushi / yukito
Shounen(B),Comedy,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 8
Defense Devil

Defense Devil

ディフェンスデビル (Difensu Debiru) / 恶魔辩护 / Akuma Bengoshi Kukabara / Defence Devil
youn in-wan / yang kyung-il
Datenshi Gakuen Debipara

🇪🇸Datenshi Gakuen Debipara

堕天使学園デビパラ / 堕天使学院 / Datenshi Gakuen Devil Paradise / Datenshi Gakuen DeviPara
kawata yushi / yukito
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 8
Datenshi Gakuen Debipara

Datenshi Gakuen Debipara

堕天使学園デビパラ / 堕天使学院 / Datenshi Gakuen Devil Paradise / Datenshi Gakuen DeviPara
kawata yushi / yukito
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 10
Kimi Dake no Devil

Kimi Dake no Devil

A Devil Just for You / Kimi Dake no Debiru
matsumoto natsumi
Chapter 5
Kimi Dake no Devil

Kimi Dake no Devil

A Devil Just for You / Kimi Dake no Debiru
matsumoto natsumi
Volume 1 Chapter 5


でびるち / Debiruchi
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 24
Defense Devil

🇳🇱Defense Devil

ディフェンスデビル / Difensu Debiru
Youn In-Wan / Yang Kyung-il
Defense Devil

🇳🇱Defense Devil

ディフェンスデビル / Difensu Debiru
Youn In-Wan / Yang Kyung-il
Chibi Devi!

Chibi Devi!

ちび☆デビ! / Chibi Debi! / Chibi Devil! (SHINOZUKA Hiromu)
shinozuka hiromu / chibi devil 8
Chapter 7
Debiru's Porno

Debiru's Porno

The Devil's Porno
Chapter 6
I Became The Younger Sister of A Regretful Obsessive Male Lead

🇮🇩I Became The Younger Sister of A Regretful Obsessive Male Lead

후회 광공의 여동생이 되었다
Purpel Lemon / Debin
🇰🇷Manhwa,Full Color,Isekai,Reincarnation,Romance
Chapter 0
Hoobae's Touch is Healing

Hoobae's Touch is Healing

La Mano de Junior es Débil / 후배 손은 약손
Song Mi
Chapter 2
Introduction to the Theory of Love (Yaoi)

Introduction to the Theory of Love (Yaoi)

Anko / Debi
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Romance,School Life
Chapter 3
pangeran dan kakak iparnya [ParadeBiru]

🇮🇩pangeran dan kakak iparnya [ParadeBiru]

[夕凪外部隊 (凪市)] 砂漠の国の傲慢王子 その後のお話
Nagi ichi
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Hentai,Mature,Crossdressing,Royal family
Volume 1 Chapter 1
I Became The Younger Sister of A Regretful Obsessive Male Lead [By ra_one]

🇮🇩I Became The Younger Sister of A Regretful Obsessive Male Lead [By ra_one]

후회 광공 의 여동생이 되었다/ aku isekai dinovel bl
Purpel lemon / Debin
🇰🇷Manhwa,Drama,Full Color,Isekai
Rachel Peka Dong [S2]

🇮🇩Rachel Peka Dong [S2]

Terbit Setiap Selasa / Reforming the Obsessive Male Lead / I Became the Younger Sister of a Regretful Obsessive Male Lead / 후회 광공의 여동생이 되었다 / SkyBlue_
HI & Purple Lemon / Debin
Chapter 51
Introduction to the Theory of Love

🇵🇱Introduction to the Theory of Love

Anko / Debi
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Romance,School Life
Chapter 5
Reforming The Obsessive Male Lead (S3)

Reforming The Obsessive Male Lead (S3)

Reforming The Obsessive Male Lead / I Became The Younger Sister Of Regretful Obsessive Male Lead / 후회 광공의 여동생이 되었다
Purple Lemon / Debin
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Seinen(M),Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Adaptation,Beasts,Demons,Full Color,Girls,Historical,Isekai,Magic,Psychological,Regression,Reincarnation,Romance,Royal family,Transmigration
Chapter 98
Off track/ Fuera de pista

🇪🇸Off track/ Fuera de pista

OFF TRACK / Sinopsis / Cha Geonmu, que se infiltra en la fiesta posterior a la reunión de accionistas de la Compañía L para encontrar pistas sobre Diamante Rojo, se encuentra con 'Yeon Taeoh', el hijo menor del Grupo Yeonsun y un genio de las carreras. Mientras persigue al objetivo, Geonmu presencia a Taeoh bebiendo alcohol mezclado con drogas, y acaba salvándole y perdiendo al objetivo. En el hotel donde el drogado Teoh fue puesto a descansar, algo extraño le sucedió al drogado Taeoh... ? "¿Por qué no llevas todas tus responsabilidades hasta el final?" Geonmu, que estaba impotente ante las acciones de Taeoh, sale de la habitación del hotel disgustado por su actitud arrogante y jura no volver a verle, pero se entera de que su objetivo, Diamante Rojo, está relacionado con el Grupo Yeonseon... "Esta deuda será debidamente pagada más tarde". ¿Será sólo un momento de ardiente placer, o una relación tenaz y brutal?
Manhwa,Silver & Golden,Yaoi(BL),Smut,Cars,Delinquents
Chapter 13