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I'm a Fake Saintess but the Gods are Obsessed

I'm a Fake Saintess but the Gods are Obsessed

가짜 성녀인데 신들이 집착한다 / 作为假圣女,却被众人迷恋? / 假圣女让众神执着 / Just A Fake Saint
준예 / 휘낭시에
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Drama,Historical,Reincarnation,Reverse Harem,Romance
Chapter 17
Seintes gadungan [achel]

🇮🇩Seintes gadungan [achel]

가짜 성녀인데 신들이 집착한다 , I’m a Fake Saint But the Gods are Obsessed