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Even Monsters Like Fairytales

Even Monsters Like Fairytales

Sute Akuyaku Reijou wa Kaibutsu ni Otogibanashi wo Kataru / 捨て悪役令嬢は怪物にお伽噺を語る / 被丢弃的恶役千金给怪物讲故事
Ede Akizawa / Hajime Kirino
Chapter 27.2
The Villainess Turns the Hourglass

The Villainess Turns the Hourglass

Agnyeo'neun Moraesi'gye'reul Dwedollinda / La villana retrocede el reloj de arena / The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass / 反派女主的时间沙漏 / 悪女は砂時計をひっくり返す / 时光沙漏·逆转命运的少女 / 악녀는 모래시계를 되돌린다
SANSOBEE / Antstudio
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Magic,Romance,Time Travel,Villainess
Epilogue 21 [END]
Red Candy

Red Candy

Redeu Kaendi / キャンディトラップ~スパイの仕掛けた恋の罠 / 红色糖果 / 레드 캔디
The Redemption of Earl Nottingham

The Redemption of Earl Nottingham

구원 방정식 / La redención del conde Nottingham
boem1800 / POP / Manta Comics
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Romance,Time Travel
Chapter 60
Tales of Reincarnation in Maydare: This World's Worst Witch [Official]

Tales of Reincarnation in Maydare: This World's Worst Witch [Official]

Chuyện chuyển sinh ở Maydare / Les contes de la réincarnation en le Maydaré / Les contes de la réincarnation en le Maydaré: La pire sorcière en le monde / Maydare Tensei Monogatari: Kono Sekai de Ichiban Warui Majo / Meidea Reincarnation Theory - The World's Worst Witch / Meidea Tensei Monogatari / Tales of Reincarnation in Maydare: The World's Worst Witch / Wiedergeburt in Maydare / Wiedergeburt in Maydare: Die bösartigste Hexe der Welt / История реинкарнаций в Мейдере / История реинкарнаций в Мейдере: Худшей ведьмы этого мира / メイデーア転生物語 この世界で一番悪い魔女 / 梅蒂亞轉生物語 / 梅迪亚转生物语 / 美狄亚魔王转生记 / 메이데어 전생 이야기
Midori Yuma / Nana Natsunishi
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Adventure,Comedy,Demons,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Isekai,Magic,Mystery,Reincarnation,Romance,Royalty,School Life,Supernatural,Transmigration,Villainess
Chapter 60
Empress Cesia Wears Knickerbockers

Empress Cesia Wears Knickerbockers

Empress Cesia Wears Shorts / La culotte courte de la reine Cécia / Queen Cecia's Shorts / Thợ may của Nữ hoàng Cessia / ยูริกับกางเกงขาสั้นของราชินี / 女王的短裤 / 異世界女王と転生デザイナー / 異世界女王與轉生設計師 / 여왕 쎄시아의 반바지
Jeogyeom / Saedeul
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Comedy,Crossdressing,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Romance,Slice of Life
Side Story 12
Carrier Falcon Princess [Bored Corona Kids Version]

Carrier Falcon Princess [Bored Corona Kids Version]

Cavier Falcon Princess / Herald Princess / FedEx Bird Princess / 전령새 왕녀님
Han Ryui / Coin / Samwole
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adaptation,Animals,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Mystery,Romance
Chapter 42


Unprecedented / 미증유
Chapter 15
Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion (Official) [Tapas]

Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion (Official) [Tapas]

The Duke's Fiancee / The Duke's Fiancée / The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion / Why She Had to Go to the Duke / 公爵的契約未婚妻 / 公爵的契约未婚妻 / 彼女が公爵邸に行った理由 / 그녀가 공작저로 가야 했던 사정 / Vị Hôn Thê Khế Ước Của Công Tước / Neden Hep Dük’ün Malikanesinde Son Buluyor?! / La Razón Por La Que Raeliana Terminó en la Masión del Duque
Milcha / Whale
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Reincarnation,Romance,Royal family,Royalty,Transmigration
Chapter 158
Can We Become Family? (Official)

Can We Become Family? (Official)

Can We Become a Family? / Family Is Needed / 家族ごっこはもうやめます / 我们能成为家人吗 / 우리가 가족이 될 수 있을까요?
hanirim / Matcha-vienna
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Magic,Mystery,Romance,Time Travel
Chapter 123
Kamisama Nanka Shinjinai Bokura no Eden

🇮🇩Kamisama Nanka Shinjinai Bokura no Eden

Our Eden Where We Don't Believe in God / Eden Kita Saat Di mana Kita Tak Percaya Tuhan / 神様なんか信じない僕らのエデン
Ichinose Yuma
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Smut,Drama,Omegaverse,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Mede Little Roy

Mede Little Roy

メデリトルロイ / Ochikobore majo no shoutai wa, seieki (maryoku) o kate to suru saikyou no akuma de / 落ちこぼれ魔女の正体は、精液(魔力)を糧とする最強の悪魔でした。
Tomomitsu Yamamoto
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Manga,Oneshot,Josei(W),Shoujo(G),Adult,Ecchi,Hentai,Mature,Smut,Reverse Harem
Mede Little Roy
Redeem: Only One Forever [Official]

Redeem: Only One Forever [Official]

Redeem ~リディーム:たった一つの永遠~ / Redeem ~リディーム:たった一つの永遠~ / Redeem, Mon amour eternel / Redeem: Mon amour éternel / Redeem: Only One Forever / Redeem ~リディーム:たった一つの永遠~ / 리딤: 단 하나의 영원 / 리딤Redeem: 단 하나의 영원
SCARLET Beriko / Next Level Studio
🇯🇵Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Drama,Full Color,Regression,Romance,Shounen ai,Supernatural
Chapter 49
Can We Become Family? (Official)

🇮🇩Can We Become Family? (Official)

Can We Become a Family? / Family Is Needed / 家族ごっこはもうやめます / 我们能成为家人吗 / 우리가 가족이 될 수 있을까요?
Hanirim / Matcha-vienna
Chapter 100
Mori no Kuma-san Toumin-chuu ni Chiikubi wo Mederaremashita

Mori no Kuma-san Toumin-chuu ni Chiikubi wo Mederaremashita

Chapter 126
The Villainess Turns the Hourglass (Official) [Tapas]

The Villainess Turns the Hourglass (Official) [Tapas]

The Villainess Reverses Hourglass / The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass / 악녀는 모래시계를 되돌린다 / 反派女主的时间沙漏 / 恶女翻转时光沙漏 / 悪女は砂時計をひっくり返す / 惡女翻轉時光沙漏 / 时光沙漏·逆转命运的少女 / ย้อนเวลากลับมาร้าย / Penjahat Wanita Membalikkan jam Pasir / Элсэн цаг хадгалагч хорон санаатан / Չարագործը հակադարձում է կեռասը / Злодейка, перевернувшая песочные часы / Лиходійка перевертає пісочний годинник / Лиходійка, що перевернула пісочний годинник / Песочные часы злодейки / La Vilaine Retourne le Sablier / La Villana Retrocede el Reloj de Arena
SANSOBEE / Antstudio
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Magic,Psychological,Regression,Romance,Royal family,Royalty,Time Travel,Tragedy,Villainess
Episode 125
Komi-san wa Komyushou desu

Komi-san wa Komyushou desu

古見さんは、コミュ症で / 코미 양은, 커뮤증이에요 / Komi-san can't communicate / Komi-san no puede comunicarse / Komi-san wa Komyusho Desu / Comi-san ha Comyusho Desu. / Komi-san Has a Communication Disorder. / Komi-san wa, Communication Shougai desu. / Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu. / Miss Komi Is Bad at Communication. / У Коми-сан проблемы с общением / โฉมงามพูดไม่เก่งกับผองเพื่อนไม่เต็มเต็ง / 古見同學有交流障礙症
Oda Tomohito
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 489
I've Become an Orc Seedbed but I'm Loved and Ecstatic! (Officiel)

I've Become an Orc Seedbed but I'm Loved and Ecstatic! (Officiel)

Orc no Naedoko ni Ochitakedo Aisa re Sugite Chou Shiawasedesu! / オークの苗床に堕ちたけど愛されすぎて超幸せです! / 雖然沉淪於獸人的苗床中但被他過度愛護總之超幸福的!
Oishii Oshiri Cafe (OISHII Oshiri)
Shitsukete Tokashite Abaite Medete

Shitsukete Tokashite Abaite Medete

Discipline Me. Melt Me. Expose Me. Love Me. / Discipline, Melt, Disclose and Love, Please / 躾けてとかして暴いて愛でて1
Kirishiki Tokico
Extra [End]


The Redemption of Earl Nottingham / Salvation Equation / 구원 방정식
Boem 1800 / Surreuk comics
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Adult,Adaptation,Comedy,Drama,Emperor's daughte,Historical,Regression,Revenge,Romance,Royal family
The World's Strongest Are Obsessed With Me [Official]

The World's Strongest Are Obsessed With Me [Official]

Karakter Terkuat di Dunia Terobsesi Denganku / L'Obsession des transcendants / Les personnages les plus forts du monde sont obsédés par moi! / Os personagens mais fortes do mundo estão obcecados por mim / Semangat Mengejar Cinta Ayank / The Most Powerful Characters in the World Are Obsessed With Me / The Strongest Characters in the World Are Obsessed With Me / ¡Los personajes más fuertes del mundo están obsesionados conmigo! / Дэлхийн хамгийн хүчирхэг дүрүүд надад сэтгэл алдардаг / Найсильніші персонажі світу одержимі мною / قدرتمندترین شخصیت های دنیا بهم وسواس دارن / 世界最强者们都为我倾倒 / 世界最强者执着于我 / 乙女ゲームの最強キャラたちが私に執着する / 세계관 최강자들이 내게 집착한다
Elephant Kim / ZION
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Romance
Episode 68
Can We Become a Family?

🇮🇩Can We Become a Family?

우리가 가족이 될 수 있을까요? / Family is Needed / Bisakah Kita Menjadi Keluarga?
Hanirim / Matcha-Vienna
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Kids,Regression,Romance,Royal family,Time Travel,Tragedy,Villainess
Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf wo Yome ni Shitan daga, dou mederebaii? (Official)

Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf wo Yome ni Shitan daga, dou mederebaii? (Official)

An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride / An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elven Bride / Eu, um Lorde Demônio, comprei uma elfa escrava como minha esposa, mas como eu amo ela? / How to Love Your Slave Elf Wife? / I, a Demon Lord, Took an Enslaved Elf as My Wife, but How Do I Love Her? / I, the Demon Lord, Took a Slave Elf as My Wife, but How Do I Love Her? / Je, un seigneur des démons, ai épousé un elfe esclavagisant, mais comment l'aime-je? / Я, Владыка демонов, взял эльфийку в жёны. И как прикажете её любить? / Я, Владыка демонов, взял эльфийку-рабыню в жёны. И как же мне её любить? / 身為魔王的我娶了奴隸精靈為妻、該如何表白我的愛? / 魔奴嫁 / 魔王の俺が奴隷エルフを嫁にしたんだが、どう愛でればいい? / 마왕인 내가 노예 엘프를 신부로 삼았는데 어떻게 사랑하면 되지?
Teshima Fuminori / Itagaki Hako
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Comedy,Demons,Drama,Fantasy,Magic,Romance,Slice of Life
Mede little Roy ~The Magic School Dropout was a Powerful Succubus~ 2

Mede little Roy ~The Magic School Dropout was a Powerful Succubus~ 2

Mede little Roy ~Ochikobore Majo no Shotai wa, Seieki (Maryoku) o Kate to Suru Saikyo no Akumadeshita.~ 2 / Mede little Roy ~落ちこぼれ魔女の正体は、精液(魔力)を糧とする最強の悪魔でした。~ 2
Yamamoto Tomomitsu
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Manga,Josei(W),Adult,Hentai,Mature,Smut,Fantasy,Magic,Reverse Harem,Romance
Can We Become Family ? [Zoey]

🇮🇩Can We Become Family ? [Zoey]

Can We Become a Family? / Family Is Needed / 家族ごっこはもうやめます / 我们能成为家人吗? / 우리가 가족이 될 수 있을까요? / Zoey
Hanirim / Matcha-vienna
Bespoken [Official]

Bespoken [Official]

Unprecedented / 미증유
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Drama,Full Color,Music,Romance
Season 1 Finale
Kamisama Nanka Shinjinai Bokura no Eden

Kamisama Nanka Shinjinai Bokura no Eden

神様なんか信じない僕らのエデン / Kami-sama Nanka Shinjinai Bokura no Eden / Our Eden Who don't Believe in God / No God in Eden (German)
Ichinose Yuma
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Mature,Smut,Drama,Omegaverse,Romance,School Life
Episode 5
Runaway Girl (Official) [UNCENSORED]

Runaway Girl (Official) [UNCENSORED]

I Gave a Runaway Girl Internal Cumshots Repeatedly and Started Living Together / Iede Gal ni Nama Nakadashi Shimakutte, Seishori Dousei Hajimemashita / After Relentlessly Cumming Inside a Runaway Gyaru, We Started Living Together as Fuck Buddies / 家出ギャルに生中出ししまくって、性処理同棲始めました
Shituzhi / Oniben Katze
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Manga,Seinen(M),Adult,Hentai,Mature,Smut,Full Color,Gyaru,Romance
Chapter 5
Carrier Falcon Princess (Official)

🇮🇩Carrier Falcon Princess (Official)

Putri Elang Pembawa Pesan / Herald Princess / FedEx Bird Princess / 전령새 왕녀님
Han Ryui / Coin / Samwole
Chapter 96
The Two Heirs (Official)

🇮🇩The Two Heirs (Official)

Dos herederos / The Accidental Heiress / ふたりの相続人 / 两位继承人 / 兩個繼承人 / 두 명의 상속인
Supia / Doggo
Chapter 70
Immoral Night

Immoral Night

Noche de inmoralidad / An Immoral Night / Baedeog-ui Bam / Baedeogui Bam / Night of Immorality / 배덕의 밤
Paeng Yujeong / KK
Chapter 14
Wed For The Spaniard's Redemption

Wed For The Spaniard's Redemption

Chantelle Shaw / Marito Ai
One Shot


성기사의 에덴 / eden of the holy knight
🇰🇷Manhwa,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Comedy,Full Color
My Lovely Troublemaker «Official»

My Lovely Troublemaker «Official»

Có bản lĩnh thì hung dữ nữa đi / Có Bản Lĩnh Thì Hung Dữ Nữa Đi? / Cậu có bản lĩnh thì hung dữ tiếp đi? / My classmate, don't be angry with me / My lover, don't be angry with me / ¿Cómo puedes ser tan feroz? / 有本事你再凶一个? / 한번 해볼래?
欲言文化 / Chongqing Xin Mengjin
🇨🇳Manhua,Yaoi(BL),Comedy,Full Color,Romance,School Life,Shounen ai
Chapter 146
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

И всё-таки мир прекрасен / それでも世界は美しい / 尽管如此世界依然美丽 / รักสองอาณาจักรที่ปลายฝน (Thai) / Even So, the World is Beautiful / Sore demo Sekai wa Utsukushii / Soredemo, sekai wa utsukishii / The World is Still Beautiful
shina dai / soredemo sekai wa utsukushii 129
Chapter 143.6
Temen ᵏᵉᶜⁱˡku ternyata 𝗕𝗘𝗦𝗔𝗥

🇮🇩Temen ᵏᵉᶜⁱˡku ternyata 𝗕𝗘𝗦𝗔𝗥

소꿉친구가 이렇게 클 리 없어 / Teman Kecilku Nggak Mungkin Segede Ini! / My Childhood Friend Can't Be This Big! / fan TL by natsumidori
곽두팔 / Kwak Du Pal / 레드피치스튜디오 / Red Peach Studio
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adult,Mature,Smut,Childhood Friends,Comedy,Drama,Fetish,Office Workers,Romance,Showbiz,SM/BDSM/SUB-DOM,Sports
20. Sensei