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Adventure of Sinbad
マギ シンドバッドの冒険 / Magi - Sinbad no Bouken
ohtaka shinobu / ohtera yoshifumi
🇪🇸Advent of Snow White of the Hell
Advent into Hell / Advent of Snow White Hell / Advent of Snow White to Hell / Địa Ngục Tuyết Trắng / 백설지옥강림 / Snow Coming Down to Hell
hwang mi-ri
Ai no Sanka
愛の賛歌 / Hymn of Love / L’hymne à l’Amour
ando yuki
Shoujo(G),Drama,Historical,Romance,Slice of Life
アイ / アイ~光と水のダフネ~ / Ai - Hikari to Mizu no Daphne / Daphne / Daphne in the Brilliant Blue
shiki satoshi
🇪🇸Absolute Witch
절대마녀 / Jeoldae Manyeo
kim tae yeon
Age Called Blue
エイジ・コールド・ブルー / Age Cold Blue / Eiji Called Blue / Eiji Cold Blue / Eiji Koorudo Buruu
est em
🇪🇸A Pocket Full of Holes Forgets Everything
Ana Aki Bukuro wa Wasuregachi / Anaaki-Bukuro wa Wasure-Gachi / 穴あき袋は忘れがち
someya minoru
🇯🇵Adolte and Adarte
アードルテとアーダルテ / Adorute to Adarute
nakamura asumiko
Akame ga Kiru! Zero
アカメが斬る!零 / 斩·赤红之瞳!零 / Akame ga KILL! Zero
takahiro (タカヒロ)
A Love in 100 Days
100 Days Love / 100일 사랑 / Sức thanh xuân
hwang mi-ri
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Ake Nure Goyou ni Furu Yuki wa
Staining the White Pine with Crimson Frosted Snow / Ake Nure Goyou ni Furu Sousetsu wa / Akenure Goyou ni Kudaru Sousetsu wa
hori, tomoki (story & art)
🇮🇹A Fairytale for the Demon Lord
A Tale for Satan / İblis Lordu için bir Peri Masalı / Bajka dla króla demonów / Dongeng untuk Raja Iblis / 마왕을위한 동화 / Picture Book for the Demon Lord / Un Cuento de Hadas para El Señor de Los Demonios / Сказка для Дьявола
kim yong-hwan
Akaboshi - Ibun Suikoden
アカボシ / アカボシ·いぶん すいこでん / 赤星异闻 水浒传 / 赤星異聞 水滸伝 / AKABOSHI‐異聞水滸伝‐ / AKABOSHI / AKABOSHI いぶん すいこでん / AKABOSHI - 异闻 水浒传 / AKABOSHI - 異聞 水滸伝 / Morning Star
amano youichi
8-banme no Tsumi
8 Banme no Tsumi / 8番目の罪 / The Eighth Sin / The Fault Number 8 / 戀愛的第8原罪
yamada komomo
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Tragedy
🇮🇹7-gatsu no Mahoutsukai
10-gatsu no Oujo to Boku / 7月の魔法使い / 7月的魔法使 / 7月魔法使 / 王子様11月のユウウツ / Forest in the Morning / Gozen no Mori / Magician in July / Ouji-sama 11gatsu no Yuutsu / Ouji-sama Juuichigatsu no Yuutsu / Oujisama 11-gatsu no Yuutsu / Queen and Me in October / Shichigatsu no Mahoutsukai / The Prince Melancholy in November / Wizard in July
tanaka meca
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
7 Senchi!
7 Centi! / 7 Centimeters! / 7 سنتيمترات / 7センチ! / 愛情超迷你
nanajima kana